sábado, 28 de enero de 2012



TIME TO PLAY!! Take 15 minutes and try to play this adventure at the British Museum site!! A funny game in which you will have to rescue an important archeological treasure at risk! 

Follow these easy steps to start playing: 

First of all: Click on Time Explorer: travel back in time for the ultimate adventure and read below the following instructions:

1.- Go to information desk where you will have to chose a character, and where you will be told how to use control in order to move
2.- Once you have read it and selected your character, go to "Ancient Rome" and Start playing!! 

It´s funny and very easy, just move and click the space bar to get information that will lead you to the goblet. You must rescue it from the amphitheatre before a volcanic eruption destroys it!!! 

My aim is to make you learn new words: goblet? , drained? .......? Can you add any other new word? 

My score: 12:43 minutes!! Can you beat me?


Saturday!.A good day to drop by the cinema and watch J. Edgar, a film about the private life of the first FBI director. He was supposed to be a closeted homosexual and apart from that, accused of exceeding the jurisdicition of the FBI, power that he used to harass dissenters and political activists.

Activivities to do: 
1.- Please, find in the trailer the exact minute where Leonardo Di Caprio says: ".....bend the rules". 
2.- "bend the  rules" is a very common expression: Can you translate it?
3.- I´ve used the word "closeted" to explain this activity: what does it mean?

Have a nice day!

15 comentarios:

  1. Oh my god ! I didn't understand nothing. I only understud some words. I'll try to ear another time. Good luck to all

    1. Try it again!! Take into acccount that it´s american accent, that´s why it seems difficult.
      some corrections on your grammar:

      I didn´t understand A THING. I only UNDERSTOOD some words. I´ll try to HEAR......(Be careful!, "ear" is a part of the face)
      Did you try playing the Explorer?


    1- "Sometimes you needed bend the rules" minute 1:19 of trailer.

    2- "Bend the rules" means "romper las reglas".

    3- "closeted homosexual" means "homosexual frustado,encerrado"(que no ha salido del armario).

    1. Hi Aurora!! well done!
      A few comments on n.1. "sometimes you need to bend the rules". It was in present tense.
      Good translation for "bend the rules". That´s exactly what
      I´ve expected to read!!!

  3. I saw the trailer for the film. I think the exact moment that says it is in 1 minute 20 seconds.

  4. Hi alejandro!!!!
    Remember to use "watch" instead of "see" ;)
    Did you try the British Museum game?

    I´m waiting your comments on the 2nd activity!
    Have you tried it??
    Come on!!! Go ahead and try to beat my score!
    I will ask in class the meaning of some words ;)

  6. ALI
    Hi teacher!
    I´ve found the moment in which Leonardo says that: 1:20.

    A closet is a furniture in where you can keep your clothes. We says that a gay is in the closet when he hasn´t recognised that he´s gay. So "to be a closeted homosexual" means that he still hasn´t go out of the closet...

    We bend the rules when we don´t follow them.

    The play of the British Museum... I´ve done it so bad... When I found the goblet there were 3 minutes to the end of the play...

    Good night and see you at school!!

  7. Perfect Alice!! Well Done :) Nothing to add
    See you tomorrow!

  8. uff, when leonardo is speaking with the other man, he says ..."bend the rules" minute 1:20.
    it has been difficult¡¡¡¡¡

    1. Well done Fátima! just a preposititon. Use "speak to" instead of "speak with"
      Probably it has been difficult but you got it!!
      Your teacher

  9. bend the rules means "break" the rules; "violating" the rules.

    to be a closeted homosexual means he was homosexual but nobody knew it. he had not said it or he didn´t want nobody knew.

    1. Fatima: Great description of what a closeted homosexual is!. No grammar mistakes except on "he didn´t want nobody to KNOW" (this last verb in present tense)!!
      You´re a hard-working student :)
      Your Teacher
