miércoles, 15 de febrero de 2012


9 comentarios:

  1. As Odyssey´s request was rejected by the Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas; finally, the haulthat was taken 5 years ago will be back to Spain on Friday.
    Thus, here you are a video, dated 2007, with many images recorded of Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes sunken galleon
    Finally, the whole treasure must be returned to Spain.

    Proposed activities:
    1.-What´s the name Odyssey gave to this operation over Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes?
    2.- Which is the value of each individual coin?
    3.-What do they do if they rescue less that 4 o 3 items?

    1. I have listened it threee times and I only have understand a little!! tomorrow will be other day. see you later.

    2. WOOF!
      Odyssey is a greek poem of Homero which tells the story of Ulises' homecoming from the Trojan War.
      Each coin is incalculabel value. For example, a silver coin $9.000. The treasure of Odissey is $500 million.

  2. I have listened it threee times and I only have understand a little!! tomorrow will be other day. see you later.

  3. Dear Students!! Just a few days before I gice you the answer. Come on!! Try to listen to it again. I´m trying to encourage you!)

    Bea: I said it was something difficult (Remember? Placing adjectives after thing/body compounds?)Anyway, try to do it tomorrow.

    Antonio: that´s great to have a more cultivated point of view about the activity. Do you remember what was Penelope doing while Ulises was eexploring abroad

  4. Sorry Martaaaa,I thought that i had sent the answers and i didn´t put the robot`s code. ooofffff!!!

    1- I think that i have heard "Black swan" of the cost of Europe.
    2- Each coin have the value four thousand and four hundred.
    3- If they find more than 3 or 4 items will lead to expose around the world. And If they find less than 3 items will expose in the Odyssea' collection. More private.

    " =) "

  5. Dear Aurora: you are the winner!! congratulations!! you´ve been able to answer each question.Take into account that is was not only difficult but it is american accent, so......WELL DONE!
    remarks on grammar: I didn´t INTRODUCE...use it instead of PUT.

    For the rest of my hard-working students, here you are the right answer with the exact minute. Try to hear again.

    1.- Black Swam (well done Aurora!!) exact words are: "The result of a secret operation code name Black Swam" (minute 0,16)
    2.- "ranging from 4 hundred to 4 thousand dollars for individual coin" (minute 0,54)
    3.- " if we find one or two or three or four items, we will put those in the Odyssey´s collection" (2,13 minute)

  6. they have been speaking about The frigate "Ntra. Sra. de las Mercedes". Five hundred ninety-four thousand coins come to Spain by plain 45 minutes ago. After a great odissey. The treasure valued at 400 million of euros!!!!
