viernes, 3 de febrero de 2012


Dear students;
After having such funny class and after having worked hard on wordbuilding. I think it´s time to have a break and start dealing with adjectives by submitting yourself to this test.
Make an approach to "describing personality adjectives" for the next class and take your time to do it. Time to "snoop" inside yourself!!!

Can you give a translation for "stick to..."?
TEST: Are you good at sticking to your resolutions? « Psychologies

Your teacher

8 comentarios:

  1. I did it! The test says that I´m a person who takes care about planning things.

  2. so.. you are good at sticking to what you plan!! That´s very far-sighted from you!!:)
    Well done!

  3. the test says that i put plans into action with great care.

    stick to - keep to,adhere to...

  4. I think I need the fat Petete`s book to unsderstand this text. Is the third time I try to do it. Puffff!

    1. jajjajaj!!! Don´t give up Juanjo!!! Try it again, ask your colleagues for some help and be persevering.

  5. The test says that I get things done because I persevere... Sure!

    A translation for Skip to: mantener. I´m good at sticking to my decisions.

    I´m Alice
