sábado, 16 de junio de 2012


Dear students; Last Monday was the 50th anniversay of the most celebrated escape from Alcatraz Prison -better known as the ROCK-.  and it´s still a mystery. 
The Anglin brothers, together with Frank Morris, another convict, used SPOONS -stolen form the dining hall- to dig holes in the walls of their prison cells, climbed up a ventilation shaft onto the roof and then, climbed down and left the island on a makeshift raft. Leaving dummy heads made of a mixture of soap, toilet paper and real hair in their beds to fool prison officers making night-time inspetions. 

Here, a pciture of the hole in the cell

After 17 years of investigations the case was closed unresolved on December, 1979, not having the certainty of their deaths. Their whereabout is still unknown....

                                                                    Clarence Anglin
                                                                       FranK Morris
                                                                       Jonh Anglin

Where are they? Do you think they succedeed? Did the perish in the frozen waters of the bay??

Activities 1: Do you think they are still alive? (Justify your answer)
Activity 2: Watch the video and answer the questions
           2.1. According to the video:Was the raft finally found?
           2.2. Filling the gaps: 
                  "1962. 35 years old bank _______ Frank Morris masterminded the most _______ breakout in Alcatraz history, the great escape. Morris _______ forces with three _________ ___________ bank _________ brothers:John and Clarence Anglin"
For further information, do not miss the FBI website

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