domingo, 10 de junio de 2012


Last Tuesday, tthe 5th of June, Venus passed across the face of the Sun producing an amazing silhouette. This phenomenon is very rare, coming in pairs separated by more than a hundred years. This June´s transit, the bookend of 2004-2012 pair won´t be repeated until the year 2117!!

This transit gained gained worldwide attention in the 18th century as in those days, the size of the Solar System was one of the biggest mysteries of Sicence. The relative spacing of planets was known, but not their absolute distances. How many miles would you hve to travel to reach to nother world?....The answer was then a mystey.....

Anyway, if you feel interested about this topic; go to the following link to keep on reading interesting thing about this rare alignment of planets

Here you have an interesting chart about the transit:

Proposed activities: watch the  video and  answer the question (questions will be coming soon in another post!)
(3:53 minutes video)

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