sábado, 16 de junio de 2012


Dear students; Last Monday was the 50th anniversay of the most celebrated escape from Alcatraz Prison -better known as the ROCK-.  and it´s still a mystery. 
The Anglin brothers, together with Frank Morris, another convict, used SPOONS -stolen form the dining hall- to dig holes in the walls of their prison cells, climbed up a ventilation shaft onto the roof and then, climbed down and left the island on a makeshift raft. Leaving dummy heads made of a mixture of soap, toilet paper and real hair in their beds to fool prison officers making night-time inspetions. 

Here, a pciture of the hole in the cell

After 17 years of investigations the case was closed unresolved on December, 1979, not having the certainty of their deaths. Their whereabout is still unknown....

                                                                    Clarence Anglin
                                                                       FranK Morris
                                                                       Jonh Anglin

Where are they? Do you think they succedeed? Did the perish in the frozen waters of the bay??

Activities 1: Do you think they are still alive? (Justify your answer)
Activity 2: Watch the video and answer the questions
           2.1. According to the video:Was the raft finally found?
           2.2. Filling the gaps: 
                  "1962. 35 years old bank _______ Frank Morris masterminded the most _______ breakout in Alcatraz history, the great escape. Morris _______ forces with three _________ ___________ bank _________ brothers:John and Clarence Anglin"
For further information, do not miss the FBI website

domingo, 10 de junio de 2012


Last Tuesday, tthe 5th of June, Venus passed across the face of the Sun producing an amazing silhouette. This phenomenon is very rare, coming in pairs separated by more than a hundred years. This June´s transit, the bookend of 2004-2012 pair won´t be repeated until the year 2117!!

This transit gained gained worldwide attention in the 18th century as in those days, the size of the Solar System was one of the biggest mysteries of Sicence. The relative spacing of planets was known, but not their absolute distances. How many miles would you hve to travel to reach to nother world?....The answer was then a mystey.....

Anyway, if you feel interested about this topic; go to the following link to keep on reading interesting thing about this rare alignment of planets

Here you have an interesting chart about the transit:

Proposed activities: watch the  video and  answer the question (questions will be coming soon in another post!)
(3:53 minutes video)

domingo, 3 de junio de 2012


Dear Students; join today the largest celebration that will take place in London to celebrate the Diamond jubilee of the Queen  (60 years remaining on the throne) 

The Queen will ride down the Thames in a sailing barge converted to look like a 18th century royal galley, and resembling the way ancient Tudor Queens used to arrive to London City.
A pageant with 1.000 boats down the Thames makes this celebration an extraodinary event not to be missed
For more information, click on the official site

The Olympic games, Diamond jubilee......God Save the Queen!!

sábado, 19 de mayo de 2012


Dear Students;  as summer is getting closer, here you have a classical recipe to get fit and look perfect with your beachwear outfits!!
Traditionally we serve spinach as a side dish, make it the star of the meal if you don´t know what to cook today!

Please, go to the link, you will learn new useful vocabulary. Easy to read

Activities: what kind of vegetables do you prefer? Share your recipe with us. 

Have a nice and healthy Saturday!

Your teacher


Dear students, read this interesting article published by theNew England Journal of Medecine about the benefits of drinking coffee: "Coffee drinkers may live longer" and enjoy your breakfast!!
Please, go to the link

miércoles, 16 de mayo de 2012

domingo, 13 de mayo de 2012


 listen to Boney M´s Rasputin single!!
Many of us were hardly 2 or 3 years old, but this song hit the charts and  for sure everybody knows it.

Proposed activities: listen while reading the lyrics: great, brief and witty summary of Rasputin´s life.
Link to lyrics: http://www.lyricsdepot.com/boney-m/rasputin.html

Have a nice Sunday and.....PLAY THE MUSIC LOUD!!!

jueves, 10 de mayo de 2012

domingo, 6 de mayo de 2012


Dear Students;

Is it really a chiclé when we say my mum is the best cook? Really don´t know; but for sure, we always associate a dish which remains in our memory as the best one; when we think about our mothers.
Have a look at this funny article and pay tribute to you mother today by explaning your favourite dish!!!

Happy mother´s day!



Dear Students
Practice what you learnt with the following exercise. Click on each link to practice a different topic (modal exercise 1; modal exercise 2; .....)
Do not forget to share you scores!

and...have a nice Sunday!!

Your teacher

martes, 1 de mayo de 2012


Anthropocene is the name of a new geological epoch, define by our own massive impact on the planet. As wiki explains: "The term was coined by ecologist Eugene F. Stoermer but has been widely popularized by the Nobel Prize-winning atmospheric chemist Paul Crutzen, who regards the influence of human behavior on the Earth's atmosphere in recent centuries as so significant as to constitute a new geological era"

1.- Complete the following extracts from the video, by filling the gaps: 

"....the great railways, then cars and highways ______________ people across ____  __________. Medical __________ saved millions of lifes, new artificial _________ meant we could always ________ more people.."

2.- Complete the gaps of this second extract: 

"temperatures are increasing, we ___ __________ a hole in the ________ _________...."

3.- Find the definition of Anthropocene: (minute 2:00 aprox)

"We´ve entered Anthropocene: ____________________________________________________"

If you are interested on this subject and want to get further information, find the following links avaliable: 
http://www.anthropocene.info/en/home (here you´ll fnd some pictures and explanations of the impact of Almeria greenhouses to the extent of cooling the atmosphere)

Have fun and discover new things!

Your teacher

domingo, 29 de abril de 2012


43 minutes film about RED FLAG; an advance aerial combat training exercises hold once a year for two weeks at Nevada by the 414 Combat Training Squadron (Sorry!! it´s too technical!) 
The aim is to train USA and NATO*  pilots for real combat situations. 

FULL SCREEN, VOLUME UP.....and after it, even you will be considering joining the squadron 
(America sets once again at the top of marketing and self-propaganda! Amazing!) 

Activities: feel free to comment

*NATO: OTAN for on english speakers

domingo, 15 de abril de 2012

Plácido Domingo & John Denver "Annie´s song" (uses of like vs as )

"En portada" now in english!

Dear students;
En Portada is a famous documentary programme, for those who already know it, I just want to inform you that it´s possble to see them in Spanish version but with English subtitles.
Maybe, you will find easier to understand while reading at the same time.

This report- I´ve have chosen -is an immersion in the city through several taxi drivers of New York. An emotional trip, full of memories of the September 11 attacks. It also reflects how the city and the world have changed since then.

I hope you like it!
(45 minutes video aprox. Spanish original version with English subtitles)

sábado, 7 de abril de 2012

jueves, 5 de abril de 2012

Strong libraries build strong futures (B&M Gates foundation)

Snooping around the Internet I bumped into Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. At first, I was amazed as I didn´t know they focus in many areas (health, education, poverty & development) and their projects are spread wordlwide.
I´ve chosen this video that deals the importance of having access to information, what reminds us that, there are still many countries where getting it is not a daily routine.

Witness how important information is in order to get freedom (whether intellectual or physical), to be stronger, to build up your own criterion and to have a future....

Feel free to comment!

jueves, 29 de marzo de 2012



If you enjoyed solo climbing, you will find this adventure, oustanding....
James Cameron has been able to break the solo diving record!. Have a look at the amazing pictures taken from the deepest part of our planet and answer the following questions;

1.- How does he describe the landscape? (1:20 minute aprox)
2.- How log did he stay there?
3.- How did he feel?

Enjoy it!

lunes, 19 de marzo de 2012


Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter

the LRO is a Nasa robotic spacecraft launched by the Nasa on june 2009 and currently orbiting aroung the Moon
This mission can be considered as a precursor to future missions to the Moon by NASA. Today, as it celebrates 1.000 days on orbit, we pay homage to it with this outstanding video.
No activities. Just relax, listen and enjoy.....


Dear students;

A very interesting link to revise "used to/to be used to/to get used to"
Have fun!!!

Your teacher

miércoles, 7 de marzo de 2012


Dear Students;

How would you teach these students from Philadelphia to eat properly instead of having too much junk food?
Have a look at this interesting video about a project carried out by parents and teacher to control children junk food intake. (8 minutes video aprox. )

Proposed activities:
1.- In order to keep students healthy parents volunteers stay outside the store. Explain why?
(first part of video)
2.- Pay attention to minute 4:09 in which a teacher is explaining how important right nutrition is by playing some games . Could you imagine any other games to teach nutrition?

3.- Optional activity:
Minute 5:50 shows us three images that demonstrates the fact that having too much sugar is can be addictive. According to the video, food industry is manipulating food so we can become addicted to sugar and fats.
Just,reflect on it and share your opinion if you want to..

Let me ask you something: Does junk food mean having no time to cook.......? It´s up to you now

lunes, 20 de febrero de 2012

Best Photos of 2011 - National Geographic

Photo of the Day - Best Photos of 2011 - Photo Gallery - National Geographic

Dear students:

Have a rest, take a moment for yourself andhHave a look at this stunning and awesome picture gallery about National Geographic Best Photo Contest.
Proposed activity: choose your favourite and explain why

I hope you enjoy it!

Your teacher


Dear Students!!

Three days to give you the answer of the previous exercise. I may imagine that it has been difficult to understand as it isn´t British english. anyway, I feel myself somehow obliged to ask you for one more try.
I´m sure you´ll get to answer at least one!

Apart from that, I would like to post a grammar exercise about ed- versus -ing adjectives. It´s not difficult to do.
A good opportunity to practice if you came to class; and a good one not to miss the lesson if you didn´t.

martes, 14 de febrero de 2012

Happy Valentine´s Day!!

Talking about valentine´s day is not only talking about romantic love. Read this article about the real pagan roots of this tradition, and above all...enjoy this day

Proposed activity: why did Emperor Claudius II forbide their soldiers to get married? (you will find the answer in the first paragraph)

Valentine's Day: Why Do We Celebrate It? (Hint: Naked Romans)

domingo, 12 de febrero de 2012

More exercises on describing personality

Dear Students;

After having listened to this wonderful Whitney´s love song, it´s time to undetake the dull task of revising adjectives again by doing this crossword.
Don´t panic in case you feel unable to complete it: a high-level exercise that will make you think for a while. A good interactive exercise for those who came to the class and for those who missed it.

Share your results and have fun!

Your teacher

Whitney Houston - I Look To You

sábado, 4 de febrero de 2012

INTERACTIVE GRAMMAR: describing personality

What are people like? Maybe a philosophical question for Saturday morning!!!
Today, time to expand our vocabulary by doing this easy exercise on adjectives.
Self- correction available!
Good luck!!

viernes, 3 de febrero de 2012


Dear students;
After having such funny class and after having worked hard on wordbuilding. I think it´s time to have a break and start dealing with adjectives by submitting yourself to this test.
Make an approach to "describing personality adjectives" for the next class and take your time to do it. Time to "snoop" inside yourself!!!

Can you give a translation for "stick to..."?
TEST: Are you good at sticking to your resolutions? « Psychologies

Your teacher

lunes, 30 de enero de 2012


I would like you to do the following exercises as a kind of warming up for the next class.
Your teacher

Different levels will be available for you to practice

sábado, 28 de enero de 2012



TIME TO PLAY!! Take 15 minutes and try to play this adventure at the British Museum site!! A funny game in which you will have to rescue an important archeological treasure at risk! 

Follow these easy steps to start playing: 

First of all: Click on Time Explorer: travel back in time for the ultimate adventure and read below the following instructions:

1.- Go to information desk where you will have to chose a character, and where you will be told how to use control in order to move
2.- Once you have read it and selected your character, go to "Ancient Rome" and Start playing!! 

It´s funny and very easy, just move and click the space bar to get information that will lead you to the goblet. You must rescue it from the amphitheatre before a volcanic eruption destroys it!!! 

My aim is to make you learn new words: goblet? , drained? .......? Can you add any other new word? 

My score: 12:43 minutes!! Can you beat me?


Saturday!.A good day to drop by the cinema and watch J. Edgar, a film about the private life of the first FBI director. He was supposed to be a closeted homosexual and apart from that, accused of exceeding the jurisdicition of the FBI, power that he used to harass dissenters and political activists.

Activivities to do: 
1.- Please, find in the trailer the exact minute where Leonardo Di Caprio says: ".....bend the rules". 
2.- "bend the  rules" is a very common expression: Can you translate it?
3.- I´ve used the word "closeted" to explain this activity: what does it mean?

Have a nice day!

jueves, 26 de enero de 2012

martes, 24 de enero de 2012

Yosemite climbing

1) For adventurers who are keen on extreme sports: free solo climbing, a new way of climbing without rope or harnesses...Simply, amazing!!

As an additional exercise, try to complete the following sentence: "one wrong move; __________"

2) Just to make you think, an article about how to prevent the cognitive deterioration. It´s easy to read.! 
Be brave, face it and try to have a look!!
The question that may come up after reading it: are we actually doing enough to avoid it?

You must click on the photo to read the article.